Come and hear all fourteen songwriters at the Songwriter Showcase at the Livingston Elks Club. Songwriters will play in rounds of three.
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars: Tom Catmull, Abigayle Kompst & Kalyn Beasley
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars Christy Hays & Chad Okrusch
    • January 26, 2020
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    Matt Strachan, Jess Jocoy & John Hewitt
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars Chad Okrusch, Jess Jocoy & Matt Strachan
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars John Hewitt & Abigayle Kompst
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars Christy Hays, Kalyn Beasley & Tom Catmull  
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars Christy Hays, John Hewitt, Tom Catmull & Kalyn Beasley  
    • January 26, 2020
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    Rising Stars Chad Okrusch, Abigayle Kompst, Matt Strachan & Jess Jocoy
    • January 26, 2020
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