It Takes A Community to Host the Livingston Songwriter Festival

    There are many ways to support the Livingston Songwriter Festival and enjoy the music of songwriters and support the amazing community of Livingston, Montana.

    Buy Tickets

    From VIP packages to Rising Star wristbands we have a ticket packages for everyone. The Livingston Songwriter Festival is made up of 10 shows and hosted in 5 venues throughout downtown Livingston.

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    Patron of the Festival

    Your support as an individual Patron of the festival allows us to continue and expand our efforts to support music education.

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    Sponsor the Festival

    Your business sponsoring the Livingston Songwriter Festival is a great opportunity to associate your name with a festival that benefits music education in Livingston and the surrounding area.

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    Volunteer at the Festival

    Want to go to the Livingston Songwriter Festival for FREE?

    Volunteers are needed for everything from ticket sales, box office, venue managers, housing hosts, transportation and merchandise sales.

    We’d love to visit with you about volunteer opportunities

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